Hey girl, heeeeyyy!
YOU'RE A GO GETTER. A mama with a vision and plan for her life. It's just that lately you've found yourself feeling stuck in the corner of "What is life?" and " How will I ever feel like myself again?" You're so busy juggling work and family demands that you're eating your toddler's scraps, or worse forget to eat completely.
You crave a more balanced and fulfilling life. The freedom to unapologetically be you, and do life in a manner that feels good to you. The ability to be present and really enjoy the moment whether it's playing a game with your child, date night with hubby or a fun gathering with your girlfriends.
You love your family and your work, but are feeling like you've lost YOU along the way?
Perhaps you've hit a crossroads in your life, and are struggling to redefine "success" and what exactly you'd like that to look like.
You're exhausted and on the brink of burnout from trying to have it all, and are desperately in need of a routine that incorporates self care.
I'm Stepha. As a Success Coach and Mama Mentor, I work with fearless and dynamic moms who are ready to let go status quo and create success on their terms. They desire to do the work they love AND still be present enough to enjoy life's best moments.
I'm also a truth-speaking, glitter sprinkling, no nonsense-taking transformation catalyst.
Consider me your Fairy Slay Mother, here to lovingly snatch your mindset blocks, fears, guilt and whatever else that's got you standing in your own way. An integral part of the work I do with clients, involves reconciling the disconnect between the woman they were with the mother they have become, learning to own and flourish from that space.
As a mom of two myself, I know what it can feel like to feel lost in the juggle. You're trying to do epic shit, but first you must battle for middle earth with a toddler losing her mind because you gave her exactly what she asked for and an infant tugging at your feet, because hello they need attention too. All before 9am. Those are legit examples by the way.
Your situation or scenario me be a little different, but one thruth remains...it's exhausting. You want to feel like you again. To take better care of yourself and to eliminate the overwhelm that can come from trying to handle all of the moving parts your day to day requires.
My coaching approach was created with ambitious moms in mind and it's all centered on holding space for you to reconnect to
your beauty,
your fearlessness,
your truth,
your magic.
The future is female, so they say and I absolutely believe that. But in order to thrive in this new future and show up as are most brilliant selves, we must l back the layers were hiding under, allow ourselves to be supported by sisterhood, disrupt self sabotaging patterns and truly master the art of unapologetic self-care.
The future has arrived.
My Mission:
My mission is to Help women Reconnect to their Identities; Challenge status quo and UNAPOLOGETICALLY step out into the world and create success on their term.
My programs are focused on :
Helping women reconnect with their desires and ignite the passion they had for life before being told what they should do.
Stepping into their power and gaining confidence in themselves and the decisions they make.
Creating boundaries and mastering time management in order to be fully supported in creating her desired life
Practicing Radical Self Love and implementing rituals that leave her feeling rejuvenated and at her best
Getting out of their head, and finally developing the ideas they have been putting on the back burner for so long
Navigating the different stages in her motherhood journey; and helping you get clear on what is most important for you during the current "season" of your unique journey
If you're sick and tired of that old story, of being overwhelmed, of needing to do/be all things and yet somehow still feeling inadequate, if you are ready to commit to creating your best life now click below to learn more about applying for coaching
Random Facts
+ I'm a proud Brooklynite (12yrs), though I question this choice every winter, since I'm more of a sun and sand girl
+I'm a mama to a fiery toddler and an upbeat adventurous 8 month old, who is always .5 secs away from a bad fall
+ I'm a big advocate for holistic living, herbal remedies and healing foods
+I have healthy obsession with Kombucha and recently started brewing our own
+I had both my children at home, and with my son the midwife made it there after he was delivered by hubby
+I'm an an extrovert who favors quiet nights on the couch over most activities
+Candles, Crystals, Moon Magic. Are the fuel to my soul.
“We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?”